
Do I Need a Protector on My Vinyl Floor for My Rolling Desk Chair?

January 23, 2019 6:24 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Even though vinyl flooring in Santa Cruz, CA should hold up pretty well to the use of a rolling desk chair, it can still be a good idea to put down a chair mat or floor protector. You’ll find these mats in many professional offices and home offices alike. If you’ve recently put down new vinyl flooring, you might be wondering whether it’s worth investing in mats for the chairs as well. Here are just a few of the reasons why you might consider using a protector for your rolling desk chair on your vinyl flooring. Floor protection Chances are... View Article

Will My Dog’s Nails Scratch Vinyl Flooring?

January 9, 2019 6:23 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

One of the questions we often receive from customers is whether they need to be worried about using vinyl flooring if they have a dog. There are some concerns that the vinyl might get scratched up by the dog’s claws, or otherwise not be able to hold up to long-term exposure to doggy behavior. Fortunately, vinyl flooring can be an excellent option if you have pets. Thanks to the upgrades in today’s technology, it can mimic the look of natural stone tile or hardwood without doing the same damage to your budget, and while also being much easier on your... View Article