
How Long Do Hardwood Floors Need to Acclimate?

March 23, 2020 8:44 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Whenever you’re considering a change to your home or business, there’s a number of factors that you always need to keep in mind. These can really run the gamut, and range from the choice of contractor to what’s in style to what various materials might cost if you are hoping to implement them in your home’s new or updated design. One thing many people might not initially consider is how long it takes for these changes to “settle in”—how long does it take for different types of paint to dry, or for glue to come to room temperature, or for... View Article

How to Measure for Carpet

March 9, 2020 8:44 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The old adage always makes sense when you’re looking into carpeting a room in your home or office: measure twice, cut once. You’re paying for an expensive product in the form of carpeting, and you want to make sure you’re sizing it up right before you proceed. After you’ve picked a color for your carpeting as well as a suitable style that you’re comfortable with, you want to make sure you’re measuring the room (or rooms) properly. If you’re curious about how to measure for carpet in Santa Cruz, CA, then you’ve come to the right place. Our professional team... View Article