Is Carpet Installation Safe Around a Baby?
January 27, 2021 6:34 pm Leave your thoughtsSome expecting parents believe new carpeting makes the most sense after their little ones have arrived home from the hospital. But due to factors like carpet safety and off-gassing, parents are better off planning ahead. Here are the top reasons why expecting parents in Santa Cruz, CA should get new carpet as soon as possible.
Many new parents are hesitant to install new carpets due to a process called off-gassing. New appliances like vinyl floors, paint, drywall and carpeting emit chemical compounds that may irritate people who are sensitive to pungent odors. The heaviest amount of off-gassing occurs during the first day or two after the new carpet installation. In other words, that “new house smell” is actually toxic inhalants radiating from household renovations.
Off-gassing is one of the reasons why expecting parents in Santa Cruz, CA should install new carpets before their child enters the world. You can reduce the effects from off-gassing by keeping the windows open, which circulates fresh air throughout the home. If you can’t stand the smell, avoid that part of your home for the next couple of days and use air fresheners. These steps are necessary for carpet safety, regardless of whether you’re expecting a baby.
Safe play areas
On top of basic carpet safety, expecting parents should install carpet well before bringing their newborn home because it gives babies a soft, cushy environment. Babies don’t start crawling on day one, but carpet is still much more comfortable to lay on than hardwood flooring. New parents will enjoy fresh carpet, too. Plush carpeting next to the baby’s crib might just be the perfect place to take a much-needed power nap!
Of course, new carpet is a must once babies start to explore their surroundings. They’re sure to take a tumble at some point, which is better done on carpet than uncompromising hardwood floors. Kids bonk their heads every once in a while, and you can lessen the severity of the impact with fresh carpet from the flooring experts in Santa Cruz, CA.
Avoid the hassle
Once the baby is born, the last thing you’ll want to stress about is scheduling a new carpet installation. Children need the most supervision during those first few years, giving you little time to cross items off your to-do list like installing carpet. Make life easier on yourself by installing new carpet before your little one comes home from the hospital.
Installing carpet with a baby around will also make your daily routine harder than it needs to be. As mentioned earlier, the toxic inhalants emitted through off-gassing can irritate the respiratory tract and should be avoided for those with weaker immune systems, including infants. Your baby will have to stay away from rooms with new carpet, and they’ll have a difficult time adjusting to this change in their usual routine.
Fresh carpet is a necessary safety feature for expecting parents that you won’t have time for once the baby is here. The flooring experts at The Wholesale House offer a wide variety of carpet fibers that are hypoallergenic and made from natural materials for your child’s safety. We’ll help you make a quick, informed decision about new carpet installation in Santa Cruz, CA so you can spend more time preparing for your new bundle of joy.
Categorised in: Carpeting
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