What to Know About Sisal Flooring in Santa Cruz, CA

June 24, 2019 11:11 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

There has been a big surge in the popularity of natural fiber rugs and carpets in homes in recent years, especially as people focus on finding new ways to be environmentally conscious with their furnishings, remodeling projects and décor. Natural fiber rugs are sought after because they use natural, renewable materials, so there is less environmental impact associated with their manufacturing and usage.

Of the various natural carpeting options you’ll find on the market, the most popular is probably sisal (pronounced sigh-suhl). This type of carpet is made from the fibers of the sisal plant, which is a member of the agave plant family and is found primarily in Brazil.

Here are a few examples of some of the reasons why sisal flooring in Santa Cruz, CA has been surging in popularity in recent years.

  • Durability: There are few carpeting options available that have the durability of sisal, and that goes for all carpeting, not just natural carpeting and rugs. Sisal’s fibers are extremely strong and tough, more so than other types of heavily fibrous materials like jute. You know it’s tough because it’s frequently used for baling twine and mariner rope, and is often used as an environmentally friendly substitute for fiberglass and asbestos in the auto industry.
  • Non-toxic: Because sisal carpeting is all natural, it is also non-toxic, and therefore ideal for people who have allergies or asthma. Other types of carpeting fibers, such as nylon, will give off some volatile organic compounds, which can make them a health risk for people with respiratory conditions. Sisal carpets and rugs make for better air quality in your home.
  • Biodegradable: Since sisal carpeting is made out of plant fibers, it is biodegradable, which means you don’t have to worry about it sitting in a landfill forever after it’s outlived its useful life.
  • Low maintenance: You don’t need to do a whole lot to keep sisal carpeting in great condition. Just vacuum it regularly, and you’ll be fine! This makes it a much more low-maintenance option than other types of flooring.
  • Appearance: Sisal isn’t just popular because of its sustainable nature—it’s also got a highly prized and sought-after appearance. The fibers have a unique tan, beige and cream sort of blend that comes naturally from the plant fibers. Those fibers get woven into a natural-looking, neutral-colored fabric that fits with just about any kind of décor. You can also dye it, as sisal does hold dye very well, or weave it in with other materials for more unique looks, giving you a variety of decorating options.
  • Absorbent: Sisal is so absorbent that you can actually use it as a natural humidifier for your home, helping you to stay cool on even some of the hottest days of the summer.

This provides you a small look at some of the biggest benefits associated with the use of sisal flooring in Santa Cruz, CA. For more information about the benefits of this flooring option, we encourage you to contact the experts at The Wholesale House today. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have for us!

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