December 12, 2018 10:40 pm
Published by Writer
If you’re planning to invest in new hardwood flooring for your home, you may have a number of questions about what the floors will look, feel and sound like once they’ve been installed. Because hardwood floors are such a popular and enduring flooring solution, it’s easy to know what to expect following a hardwood floor installation. Ultimately, the way that your hardwood floor behaves after it’s been installed is largely dependent on the type of wood that you opted to invest in. While any type of hardwood flooring in Santa Cruz, CA is a dependable investment, it’s important to discuss... View Article
October 12, 2018 10:38 pm
Published by Writer
Noisy hardwood floors are not unusual. It’s a problem that many homeowners will experience, but that’s because wood flooring naturally expands and contracts. This occurrence is most noticeable during certain seasons and times of the year, specifically when humidity and temperature levels change. When this type of change happens, you’re likely to hear squeaking noises or small, but sudden cracking. While it’s possible to quiet a squeaky hardwood floor, you must first identify the reason for the noise. Let’s review the three most common causes of noisy hardwood flooring in Santa Cruz, CA and what you can do to fix... View Article
September 12, 2018 6:21 pm
Published by Writer
Chances are, if you’ve recently installed hardwood flooring, you put a whole lot of research into determining exactly which type of flooring you wanted before you decided to make the investment. Of course, it’s important to note that the color the wood is when you first install it may or may not be the color it is a year or two from now. Say, for example, you’ve chosen some gorgeous cherry hardwood flooring in Santa Cruz, CA, and specifically selected it for its deep red hues. Once you install the flooring, you’ll be putting furniture and rugs over the top... View Article
July 11, 2018 2:43 pm
Published by Writer
Hardwood floors can last for a lifetime, but eventually they’ll need to be refinished. Depending on the state of your floors, this could actually be a fairly straightforward DIY project—it’ll just take some time and a bit of know-how to complete. Here’s an overview of the main steps involved in refinishing your hardwood flooring in Santa Cruz, CA: Collect your equipment: The project will require the use of a variety of equipment, including rags, brushes, a shop vac, tack cloths, finishing nails, flooring sanders, random orbital sanders, nail sets, a hammer, steel wool, painter’s tape, wood putty, stain and varnish.... View Article
February 19, 2018 10:29 pm
Published by Writer
Hardwood floors have finally become popular again. Turn on any home remodeling show on HGTV or TLC and you’ll see homeowners ripping up linoleum and carpeting to expose and refinish the old hardwood underneath. Other homeowners are installing hardwood floors in their homes where they previously did not exist. Clearly, hardwood floors add a lot of beauty and elegance to your home. But they are beneficial in ways that go beyond aesthetics. With this in mind, here are some of the biggest benefits of hardwood flooring in Santa Cruz, CA: Versatility: If you plan to be in your home for... View Article